
I tried to ignore the facts happened in my life since he told me he has turned down the second offer he got in Taiwan. The package is not unbelievablely amazing, but the pay is pretty much fit the standard of "satisfying" here for most of the white-collars. And the most important thing is he doesn't have to work much overtime compare to other engineering jobs, I thought that would be perfect for us. We will have time to be do things we like, both of us have fine jobs with stable incomes, foreseeable promotions,...I CAN see where my happy future will land already, at that time. 

The panic began when he told me the job does not fit with his expectations. Wrong location and uninteresting job content. We debated, we negotiated and finally "we" settled the decision of not taking the job. Then another good news(for him) came up, he will become one of the employees of Intel because it's acquiring his current company. He will get a good raise, WFH from time to time..., and the better thing is, Intel might offer him a green card. 

Now I am desperate. The situation becomes sticky. There are even fewer incentives to motivate him to move to Taiwan. Yes, if I was him, I would have chosen to stay in the States. 

Then, we started to talk about the option of me going to study in U.S.A..

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